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To pass the first portal,
thou must find the Ruby Key...

To pass the second portal,
thou must find the Sapphire Key...

To pass the third portal,
thou must find the Crystal Key...

To pass the fourth portal,
thou must find the Amethyst Key...

To pass the final portal,
thou must find the Diamond Key...

~This level seems hotter, as if a great fire burns
underneath your feet...

~Trapped in the center of this lava pool is an Iron Golem,
and a Ruby key on a pedestal beside it...

~In this chamber you see a Fire Daemon, and a Sapphire
key sitting on a pedestal near it...

~Behind the cell door you see a Medusa, and a Crystal key
glinting from a pedestal on your right...

~In this center of this chamber you see a Vampire,
and a Amethyst key sparkling on a pedestal to one corner...

~In this chamber you see a Lich, and a Diamond key
gleaming from a darkened wall behind it...

Gold flecks the hot walls of these passages, lending
credibility to the legends of Dwarven wealth beneath...

Game images and texts are Copyright Bethesda Softworks

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Page mise à jour le 13 juillet 2006 à 16h09