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There is an inscription engraved here
on the moss-caked stone - Theodorus.

~You enter the secret passage to
the Hall of Colossus. The floor here
is covered in a fine mold, scratched
by large, sharp claws, and the air
is warm and moist.

  • TEXT 2


  • TEXT 3


  • TEXT 4


  • TEXT 5


  • TEXT 6


  • TEXT 7


On this body you find a hastily scribbled note.
It speaks of finding six keys to unlock the
secret the Halls. These keys according to a crude
map seem to be scattered about this level. A red
'X' is scribbled on a spot directly north of here.

Game images and texts are Copyright Bethesda Softworks

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Page mise à jour le 23 juillet 2006 à 19h21