From Wiki French Arena



1. On a clear day you chance upon a strange animal, its leg

   trapped in a hunter's clawsnare. Judging from the bleeding 
   it will not survive long. Do you: 

a) Draw your dagger, mercifully ending it's life

   with a single thrust? (5v) 

b) Do not interfere in the natural evolution of events,

   but rather take the opportunity to learn more about 
   a strange animal that you have never seen 
   before? (5l) 

c) Use herbs from your pack to put it to sleep, then

   free it from the clawsnare and take it somewhere 
   where it can be safe, knowing that in doing so you 
   will probably deprive a hunter and his family of 
   sustenance? (5c) 

2. One summer afternoon your father, Talin, gives you a choice

   of chores. Would you rather: 

a) Work in the forge with him casting iron for a new plow? (5v)
b) Gather herbs for your mother who is preparing dinner? (5l)
c) Go catch fish at the stream using a net and line? (5c)

3. Your father and you are returning from the town market when

   you see a small boy running from a store. In his hands he 
   clutches a loaf of bread. Behind him races the baker with a 
   cleaver in his hands. You know that the boy must be hungry, 
   but the town is suffering from a drought, which has made 
   food valuable. Do you: 

a) Side with justice and urge your father to stop the boy? (5v)
b) Help the poor waif by running into the baker's way? (5c)
c) Stand out of the way and wait to see what your father

   decides, trusting his experience? (5l) 

4. Your father tells you one night the story of his battle at

   Borim Valley, where his men had routed the enemy. They would 
   have captured them all if not for the brave sacrifice of a 
   young Sergeant on the opposing side, who held a pass long 
   enough for his men to retreat to safety. He had done so knowing 
   that it would cost him his life. If you had been that man would 
   you have: 

a) Fled, rationalizing that your experience with battle

   tactics was too valuable to be wasted, and could make 
   the difference later? (5l) 

b) Held the pass also, so that the men under your command

   could flee, though it meant your life? (5v) 

c) Searched for some means to distract the enemy so that

   your men might have the possibility of escaping, but 
   not at the cost of your own life? (5c) 

5. Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy.

   After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given 
   you too much money back in exchange for one of the items. Do you: 

a) Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard-earned

   money, explaining to him the mistake? (5v) 

b) Pocket the extra money, knowing that shopkeepers in

   general tend to overcharge customers anyway? (5c) 

c) Decide to put the extra money to good use and purchase

   items that would help your family? (5l) 

6. While in a market place you witness a thief cut a purse from a

   noble. Even as he does so the noble notices and calls for the city 
   guards. In his haste to get away, the thief drops the purse near 
   you. Surprisingly, no one seems to notice the bag of coins at 
   your feet. Do you: 

a) Pick up the bag and pocket it, knowing that the extra

   windfall will help your family in times of trouble? (5c) 

b) Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that

   the only honorable thing to do is return the money to 
   its rightful owner? (5v) 

c) Leave the bag there, knowing that it is better not to

   get involved? (5l) 

7. Your father sends you on a task which you loathe, cleaning the

   stables. On the way there, pitchfork in hand, you run into your 
   friend from the homestead near your own. He offers to do it for 
   you, in return for a future favor of his choosing. Do you: 

a) Decline his offer, knowing that your father expects you

   to do the work, and it is better not to be in debt? (5v) 

b) Accept his offer, reasoning that as long as the stables

   are cleaned, it matters not who does the cleaning? (5c) 

c) Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the

   job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task 
   of his choosing in the future? (5l) 

8. Your mother asks you to help fix the stove. While you are working

   a very hot pipe slips its moorings and falls towards her. 
   Do you: 

a) Push your mother out of the way? (5l)
b) Grab the hot pipe and try and push it away? (5v)
c) Position yourself between the pipe and your mother? (5c)

9. While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted you take

   it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of 
   three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, 
   or else he and his friends will beat you and take it. Do you: 

a) Drop the sweetroll and step on it, then get ready for

   the fight? (5v) 

b) Give him the sweetroll now without argument, knowing

   that later this afternoon you will have all your friends 
   with you and can come and take whatever he owes you? (5l) 

c) Act like you're going to give him the sweetroll but at

   the last minute throw it in the air, hoping that they'll 
   pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot 
   in on the leader? (5c) 

10. Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well

    dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. 
    The crowd behind him seems very angry. Do you: 

a) Rush to the man's aid immediately, despite your lack of

    knowledge of the circumstances? (5v) 

b) Rush to the town's aid immediately, despite your lack of

    knowledge of the circumstances? (5c) 

c) Stand aside and allow the man and mob to pass, realizing

    that it is probably best not to get involved? (5l) 

11. You and your best friend buy your first daggers together, a

    matched pair. You loan him the amount since he doesn't have 
    enough gold, and he agrees to pay you back later. After leaving 
    the shop you and he sit down to marvel at your new weapons. To 
    your dismay you notice that there is a small notch on the blade 
    of the dagger you selected. Your friend asks you to please watch 
    his weapon for him while he runs an errand. Do you: 

a) Wait for your friend's return then point out the flaw

    in your dagger and return to the weapons shop to demand 
    a refund. (5v) 

b) Switch the daggers, rationalizing that since you paid for

    them you should get the first choice, and that if your 
    friend ever notices the notch, you could always take him 
    back to the weapon shop and get a refund? (5c) 

c) Keep his dagger safe until his return, then switch the

    daggers with your best friend's knowledge, justifying it 
    with the fact that you paid for them, and then offer to 
    accompany him back to the weapons shop? (5l) 

12. You are at weapons practice with Armsmaster Festil. He is very

    old now, but takes his teaching very seriously. In fact you have 
    heard him comment that it is all he has left in life. Today he 
    has ceaselessly taunted you at every mistake. Finally he asks 
    you to attack him with the same technique you just did, in an 
    effort to show you the proper execution. Do you: 

a) Do the technique just fast enough so that he can block it,

    knowing that it is more important to allow the master 
    to retain dignity, regardless of your personal feelings? (5v) 

b) Attack him at full speed, knowing that you could probably

    score the hit and justify his unfair treatment of you by 
    showing the class that you were actually doing it right? (5c) 

c) Refuse and leave practice, unable to compromise your

    anger with his dignity, and realizing that whatever 
    course you choose would cause you to lose respect for 
    either him or for yourself? (5l) 

13. While throwing a ball to you your friend breaks a window on

    his house. His father rushes out and demands to know who broke 
    the window. You know that your friend's father is a strict 
    disciplinarian and will punish your friend severely if he takes 
    the blame. You on the other hand, not being his son, could get 
    away virtually unscathed. Do you: 

a) Raise your hand and take the blame before your friend can

    answer? (5v) 

b) Remain silent and not get involved? (5l)
c) Point at your friend, knowing that anything else would

    probably delay the inevitable and make things just that 
    much worse for him? (5c) 

14. Armsmaster Festil during a lesson on strategy remarks, 'The best

    victory is to completely and totally humiliate your opponent'. 
    He then turns to you and asks you if you agree with him. You know 
    the Armsmaster has been in numerous life and death conflicts and 
    has the experience of a seasoned warrior. Do you: 

a) Agree with his remark, knowing that at this moment your

    experience is not enough to justify any stance but total 
    agreement with whatever your Armsmaster says, a man who 
    has dedicated his life to strategy? (5v) 

b) Disagree with his remark, reasoning that it must be some

    type of test, and that the truth will only come from 
    opposition with his opinion, and not sheep-like agreement? (5c) 

c) Refuse to answer the question, choosing to withhold an

    opinion until you have more experience and can converse 
    on the subject in an intelligent manner with him? (5l) 

15. The senior student in your weapons class has trounced you

    unmercifully for the past several years. Today is the Tournament 
    of Students and you find with dismay that you are paired against 
    him for your first match. As you prepare your friend approaches 
    and offers to tell you of an injury the senior student suffered 
    in yesterday's sparring class, which you missed. Do you: 

a) Accept the offer, knowing that it would allow you to

    concentrate on the injured area and greatly increase 
    your chances of beating him? (5c) 

b) Refuse the offer, knowing that win or lose you would

    rather do it through your own skill and not some extra 
    knowledge in what should be a fair and honorable fight? (5v) 

c) Accept the offer, reasoning that it is better to have

    the knowledge in case you need it, and realizing that 
    having the knowledge does not necessarily mean using it? (5l) 

16. An old man stops you on the way to market, claiming to have been

    robbed. He is lying on the trail and seems gravely injured. He 
    asks you to run to town and get the constable. You give him your 
    word that you will go directly to town and bring the constable 
    back. As you make your way back you notice a suspicious man 
    creeping along another trail. He doesn't seem to notice you yet. 
    Do you: 

a) Follow the man, reasoning that if this man is the robber

    you could lead the constable directly to him and 
    safeguard other travelers, although it would mean 
    breaking your word? (5c) 

b) Take note of him but continue on, reasoning that the man

    on the trail is hurt too badly to stop, regardless of 
    any other consideration? (5l) 

c) Take note of him but continue on, reasoning that your word

    is your bond and that it takes precedence over 
    anything else? (5v) 

17. While fishing one sunny afternoon you find that the boots which

    you discarded are now full of ants who are busily making their 
    way from a piece of bread you dropped to their anthill. Do you: 

a) Pick up the boots wash all the ants off now, even though

    you are not leaving until dusk? (5l) 

b) Watch the ants, curious as to how they work so

    efficiently, and content to live and let live? (5v) 

c) Make boats out of leaves and then send each ant down

    the stream to pass the time until a fish bites? (5c) 

18. You hear Armsmaster Festil remark during weapons class, 'The

    intent of your opponent can be seen in his blade'. Many of the 
    students scoff at this, though not openly. Do you: 

a) Feel that the disrespect the students show at this points

    to something which they do not understand, and therefore 
    causes you to focus your efforts on understanding it all 
    the more? (5c) 

b) Feel that he means the way the opponent attacks and

    moves shows you how he feels? (5v) 

c) Realize that Armsmaster Festil should not be the object

    of scorn, but rather one of respect, for he has lived a 
    full life and survived things none of the students could 
    imagine? (5l) 

19. The town has a lottery in which the winning chit is called. You

    look in shock as the winning chit number matches your own! Before 
    you can say anything another family walks forward. You have seen 
    them before and know that they are extremely poor. Your family on 
    the other hand is very well off, and could do without the 
    100 gold piece prize. Do you: 

a) Say nothing and allow the other family to claim the prize? (5v)
b) Stand and show your chit, knowing that the prize is

    rightfully yours? (5c) 

c) Stand and show your chit, and offer to split the prize

    in half with the other family? (5l) 

20. Armsmaster Festil poses a question one day to his class. A company

    of 100 men is attempting to flee from the enemy. There are two 
    paths out of the broken stronghold. One path will kill half the 
    men under the officers command, but the other half would survive. 
    The other path has a fifty percent chance that everyone would die, 
    but also a fifty percent chance that everyone would survive. As 
    the commanding officer would you: 

a) Choose the path that would guarantee half your men would

    survive? (5l) 

b) Choose the path that has a fifty percent chance that all

    would survive, and a fifty percent chance that all would 
    perish? (5v) 

c) Turn the choice over to the men and let them decide by

    majority vote which path they should commit 
    themselves to? (5c) 

21. You have a great aunt and a great uncle living in two different

    nearby villages, both of whom have asked your father to allow you 
    to live with them for a few weeks. Your father knows where 
    he plans to send you, but he is curious about your opinion. Given 
    the choice, would you rather: 

a) Live with your great aunt -- a wise old woman of considerable

    wealth. Living in luxury for a few weeks could not only 
    be enlightening, it could also be very interesting. (5c) 

b) Live with your great uncle -- a sick old man who has

    always been something of a stranger to you. A few weeks with 
    him may be ardorous, but he is in more need of your help 
    than your great aunt. (5v) 

c) Think of a way to divide your time between your great aunt

    and great uncle. Perhaps you will not be able to spend 
    as much time with either as much as you would like, but 
    neither would be left out. (5l) 

22. A friend has on several occassions made remarks about how much he

    likes a particular gold ring of yours. One day you discover that  
    this ring is missing and after making a thorough search, find it 
    in a coat your friend had left in your pantry.  
    Are you most inclined to: 

a) Ask your friend how he came about the ring, reasoning that it is

    highly probable that he found it and meant to return it to you. (5v) 

b) Confront him with his theft. You know that there is no way the ring

    just fell into his pocket by accident, and therefore he is nothing 
    but a common thief who would betray you for material gain. (5c) 

c) Say nothing, deciding instead to wait and see what your friend does.

    If he is innocent or guilty, you will know by whatever actions he 
    takes. At that time, you can confront him with the truth. (5l) 

23. A good friend of yours is in love with a girl from a neighboring

    village, a girl who barely knows him. He is extremely shy and 
    inexperienced, and he pleads for your help. Would you suggest 

a) Go to her immediately and declare his love. If the relationship

    is to be, he needs to be honest from the start. You offer to  
    accompany him to the village for support. (5v) 

b) Find out more about this girl using any contact he can find in

    her village. He will not be so shy if he knows something about her,  
    and may even find out she is not the right girl for him. (5l) 

c) Let you help him write anonymous love letters and poems to see

    her reaction without needing to face her directly. If the  
    reaction is favorable, he can talk to her friends in the village  
    and arrange an "accidental" meeting. (5c) 

24. Armsmaster Festil is relating the story of a great king he knew in

    a faraway land whose inventors created a wondrous balloon of such 
    size, it could transport dozens of people through the air to any 
    place they chose. If you were this king, he asks you, how would 
    you use this remarkable balloon?  Would you: 

a) Explore regions previously impossible or extremely dangerous to

    visit by land. (5l) 

b) Keep the balloon a secret, saving it for surprise attacks or

    defense in a time of war. (5c) 

c) Commission the inventor to create dozens of these 'balloons' in

    hopes of making a travel system across your realm that will  
    speed up transportation time and the exchange of ideas. (5v) 

25. There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a

    group of people called 'Telepaths'. They have been hired by  
    certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepaths read a  
    person's mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling  
    the truth or not. You believe: 

a) That this is a terrible practice. A person's thoughts are

    his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make 
    such an invasion into another human's mind. (5c) 

b) Loyal followers to the King have nothing to fear from

    a Telepath. It is important to have a method of finding 
    assassins and spies before it is too late. (5v) 

c) In these times, it is a necessary evil. Although you do

    not necessarily like the idea, a Telepath could have certain 
    advantages during a time of war or in finding someone 
    innocent of a crime. (5l) 

26. You are told that a young man has been caught by the village

    guards and accused of murder. Apparently, his brother was killed 
    by a group of four ruffians in a local tavern, and in his grief, 
    the young man tracked each of them down and murdered them. Upon 
    reflection, you believe that: 

a) The young man acted honorably in avenging his brother's

    death. The village lord should let him go free. (5v) 

b) Even as you sympathize with the young man, vigilante

    law cannot be tolerated if there is to be peace. (5l) 

c) The young man's only mistake was getting caught while

    exacting vengance. For that, he now must accept whatever 
    fate has in store for him. (5c) 

27. One night, walking home, you are attacked by a young man you know

    from Armsmaster Festil's class. You defend yourself ably and knock 
    him unconscious. While he is out, you: 

a) Tie him up, intending to interrogate him later when he

    wakes up. You want to know why he attacked you. You can 
    then turn him into the Armsmaster at your leisure. (5l) 

b) Slit his throat. You know him from class, and think he would

    have done the same had your positions been reversed. (5c) 

c) Leave him with a visible scar, the knowledge of his defeat

    at your hands and the visible reminder punishment enough for  
    one who has resorted to such dishonorable tactics. (5v) 

28. Your father delights in telling you stories of his travels in his

    youth. In one memorable tale, he tells you about a primitive island 
    he visited where a young child was sacrificed once a year to appease 
    Arius, the God of Fire. Whenever the natives neglected the 
    sacrifice, the island volcano would erupt, killing hundreds of 
    villagers. You immediately tell your father: 

a) You do not believe in any such Volcano God. Civilized men

    should intervene, find the natural cause behind the 
    eruptions, and stop the sacrifices. (5l) 

b) The God Arius must be evil to demand child sacrifice. The

    villagers should find some way to combat this God, instead of 
    just giving in to his demands. (5v) 

c) It is tragic, but the death of one small child is preferable

    to that of many villagers. If it works, they should keep the 
    tradition. Gods are not to be toyed with. (5c) 

29. Armsmaster Festil introduces a new student to the class - a small,

    awkward boy named Tys who does not seem to have any natural 
    talent at all. The class is divided into two sides for a mock 
    battle and, as one of the 'generals', you are to assign your 
    soldiers to positions. Tys is one of your men. You decide to: 

a) Put Tys at the frontline with the other fighters,

    rationalizing that in any realistic battle, he would 
    probably be a casualty anyway, and that there must be 
    some sacrifices. (5l) 

b) Use Tys as a scout, rationalizing that because of his

    small size he would probably be good at sneaking in and 
    gathering information on the enemy. (5c) 

c) Assign Tys to several posts during the course of the

    battle, staying near and helping him so he can gain 
    valuable experience and improve. (5v) 

30. Your mother is terribly ill and you have been sent with a few

    gold pieces to buy some rare, medicinal herbs for her. As you 
    reach the door to the apothecary's, you realize there is a hole 
    in your purse and all the gold has fallen out. Do you: 

a) Enter the store, tell the apothecary your dilemma, and

    promise on your honor to pay him back for the herbs your 
    mother so desperately needs. (5l) 

b) Attempt to steal the herbs from the apothecary's. You

    know the old man who works in the store will not be able 
    to catch you, and your mother lies sick. (5c) 

c) Run back home and admit the loss, hoping that your father will

    have more gold. You know you'll be punished, but you will neither 
    be in debt to the apothecary, nor will you be a thief. (5v) 

31. A boat you are in is suddenly caught in a tremendous whirlpool.

    As the current reaches an impossible velocity, the little boat  
    begins springing leaks and starts to sink under the vortex.  
    You can see no way out that does not promise death, so you: 

a) Pick up a bucket and begin bailing furiously, hoping to

    keep the boat afloat just a few more seconds. (5l) 

b) Sit back and accept your fate, choosing to die with a sense

    of decorum and nobility, not as a commoner who fears the 
    unknown. (5v) 

c) Dive into the churning current. You may only be hastening

    your own death, but at least you are doing something. (5c) 

32. You're hunting in the King's Hunt, a contest in which the best

    hunter will win riches enough to live comfortably for the rest 
    of his or her life. You track a white stag many of you had 
    shot at earlier. You are alone as you examine the stag and  
    recognize the arrow as one fired from your friend's bow.  
    As you retrieve the arrow for closer examination you hear  
    your friends arrive. Do you: 

a) Claim to have fired the arrow that hit the stag, thus

    gaining the honor for the kill? (5c) 

b) Show the others the arrow and proclaim your friend the

    archer of the day? (5v) 

c) Suggest dividing the prize, reasoning that although

    your friend's arrow brought down the hart, all of you were 
    instrumental in the tracking and the kill? (5l) 

33. One month after Tales and Tallows, you look at the horde of treats

    you have collected and find lots of brandied plums, a treat you 
    particularly dislike. You know your younger sister likes them. 
    Do you: 

a) Give her all your brandied plums? (5v)
b) Trade the brandied plums for something she does not

    really like but you do? (5l) 

c) Pretend that they are excellent brandied plums and see

    if she will give up something really good in exchange? (5c) 

34. Your cousin has given you a very embarassing nickname and, even

    worse, likes to call you it in front of your friends. You have 
    asked him to stop, but he finds it very amusing to watch you 
    blush. What do you do?: 

a) Make up an even more embarassing nickname for him and

    use it constantly until he learns his lesson. (5l) 

b) Make up a story that makes your nickname a badge of honor

    instead of something humiliating. (5c) 

c) Beat up your cousin, then tell him that if he ever calls

    you that nickname again, you will bloody him worse that this 
    time. (5v) 

35. Othisa, a friend, has been beat by a boy several years

    older than either you or her. She asks for your help. Are 
    you more inclined to: 

a) Gather a bunch of friends together and ambush the boy,

    teaching him a lesson about bullying. (5c) 

b) Tell Othisa to avoid the bully - no reason to make

    things worse than they are. (5l) 

c) Challenge the older boy, knowing that you will probably take

    a beating, but confident that if you do it enough times, he will 
    move on to pick on someone who is an easier target. (5v) 

36. Your parents are having a party for several relatives. While

    helping around the house, you see your cousin slip into 
    a darkened room. Curious, you follow and discover him slipping 
    a silver candlestick into his jacket. He is an honorable boy, 
    but you know his family has suffered some recent financial 
    hardship. He has not seen you yet, do you: 

a) Clear your throat and tell him to put the candlestick

    back, reassuring him that your parents can help him if  
    his family is in trouble, but he should not resort  
    to stealing. (5l) 

b) Close the door behind you and say nothing. Your family can

    live without the candlestick, but your cousin's family   
    obviously cannot. (5v) 

c) Treat him like any other burgler. Lock him in the room

    and call for your father. If he chooses to be merciful 
    because of your cousin's poverty, that is his decision. 
    It is your father's candlestick, after all. (5c) 

37. While exploring the woods with two other adventurers, you come

    across a small, abandoned hut that seems to have once belonged to 
    a mage. Looking through the window, you see the remains of 
    a laboratory, many potions and scrolls still on the shelves. A 
    fighter named Geotina, who thinks you a cowardly sort, suggests 
    breaking into the shack and exploring. Another fighter named  
    Hunard suggests going to town to find out more information.  
    You advise: 

a) Going into town. They are more familiar with the area and

    may have important information about this hut and the 
    surrounding area. (5l) 

b) Breaking into the shack, but leaving one person on

    the outside in case something goes wrong. You should 
    investigate new things, not run away from them. (5v) 

c) Daring Geotina to go in first. If there is a trap, she

    can trip it, then you and Hunard can go in and explore 
    at your leisure. (5c) 

38. It is a particularly grueling class with Armsmaster Festil. He

    has been unreasonably demanding on everyone, including you. His 
    criticisms seem to border on abuse, and it seems he has no  
    positive comments to make. He turns to berate you at the end of 
    class, and over his shoulder, you see some classmates put an 
    aggressive but non-poisonous snake in Festil's hand sack.  
    You would: 

a) Do nothing. The great Armsmaster needs a dose of humility

    and this might be a good way of paying him back for all 
    the misery he has put you through today. (5c) 

b) Tell Festil you saw a snake creep into his hand sack,

    but do not tell him what your classmates did. No 
    reason to get anyone in even further trouble. (5l) 

c) Immediately tell Festil what the classmates did. There

    is no excuse for treating a seasoned fighter like him 
    with disrespect, regardless of his treatment to you 
    that particular day. (5v) 

39. Because you expressed interest, Armsmaster Festil told you a

    few hints about recognizing magical weaponry. Later you are 
    practicing archery with a few friends. One boy who was never 
    a strong archer has become something of a sharpshooter. You 
    suddenly realize that he is using magical arrows.  
    What do you do?: 

a) Tell the others about the arrows. In a friendly

    archery match, using magical arrows is cheating. (5v) 

b) Tell your friend you noticed that he was using magical

    arrows, and if he doesn't get you some, you will tell 
    the Armsmaster and the others the reason behind his 
    improvement. (5c) 

c) Say nothing. If you have a need for magical arrows

    you can always mention something to him later. After all, 
    magic is not really a cheat, it is a different skill. (5l) 

40. Practicing alone, you develop a new fighting style you are very

    excited about. When you mention it to Armsmaster Festil, he tells 
    you it would never work in practical combat. Do you: 

a) Use the new style in the middle of a class spar.

    When it works, Festil will be forced to admit its 
    practicality or give a reason for not accepting it. (5c) 

b) Keep asking Festil questions about it, focusing on

    details of the form to find his objection. Eventually 
    he will have to give a more specific criticism. (5l) 

c) Accept his word without question. Armsmaster Festil has

    been fighting since your grandfather's day. He knows a 
    flawed style when he sees it, and it is better not to 
    waste his or your time asking why. (5v) 

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