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Version originale


L'entrée dans les lieux publiques existe en trois exemplaires quasi identiques dans le fichier TEMPLATE.DAT. Une au tout début qui semble être la version standard, et les deux autres, rarement utilisées, sont à la fin du fichier. La priorité est donc de s'occuper de la première, et de ne s'occuper des autres que quand c'est nécessaire. Si vous tenez à traduire les trois versions, prenez gardes aux fausse ressemblances: Il arrive qu'un seul mot soit modifié entre deux versions, et que ça inverse le sens d'une partie du texte...

You enter %en, happy to be
out of the summer heat. Many
items of interest hang on the walls and in the
display case in front of you...&

The interior of %en is neat
and well organized. You wipe
the sweat from your brow and look
over the weapons and gear...&

It is a relief to enter the
%en, out of the infernal
summer sunshine. Various supplies
are carefully arranged
throughout the store for your
browsing convenience...&

You enter %en, happy to be
out of the summer rain. The cool
shade causes shivers to run over
your damp body. Many items of
interest hang on the walls and
in the display
case in front of you...&

The interior of %en is
spotlessly clean and neat. You
feel almost embarrassed to be
dripping puddles of warm rain
water all over as you glance
over the gear and weapon

Wiping the warm water from
the summer shower off your head,
you enter %en. A display case
of the more popular supplies is featured in the small room.&

You walk into %en. Many
items of interest hang on the
walls and in the
display case in front of you...&

%en is a refuge from the
steamy summer day. In the
display case and all along the
walls are supplies and weaponry
for sale...&

You enter %en from the
overcast summer day. You browse
over the items displayed throughout
the store and are impressed by the variety...&

As you enter %en, golden
glints from the fall sun
reflect off of the many items
of interest scattered about...&

You enter %en from the sunny
autumn day. Cases of weaponry
are featured next to some of the
more peaceful supplies and gear...&

The pleasant autumn weather
has given %en an air of
joviality. You browse through
cases and displays of various supplies...&

You enter %en, happy to be
out of the cold shower. As you dry
off you notice the many items of interest that hang on the
walls and in the display
case in front of you...&

You are handed a towel as
you come into %en from the
autumn thunderstorm. There is a
new shipment of weaponry and other gear,
and you notice several pieces worth
looking at...&

You are dripping with cold
rain water as you enter %en. It
is a neat and clean chamber with
a wide assortment of supplies and

Vous entrez au %en en vous frottant
les mains pour les rechauffer.
Beaucoups d'articles
interessants pendent aux murs
et dans le presentoir face a

C'est une froide journee d'automne,
et ca fait du bien d'entrer au %en.
Vous jetez un coup d'oeil aux dernieres
livraisons d'equipement.&

Ce temps glacial arrive
un peu tot pour la saison,
mais de nouvelles livraisons
sont arrivees au %en
avec le froid. Vous remarquez rapidement
quelques articles utiles...&

507 caractères dont 16 inutilisés

You enter %en, happy to be
out of the cold and bright
winter's day. Many items of
interest hang on the walls and
in the display
case in front of you...&

%en is as bright as the
winter day outside and much
warmer. Several pieces of weaponry
and equipment look interesting
to you...&

You walk into %en, rubbing
your numb hands together. At least
it is sunny outside. Many new
weapons and supplies impress
you enough for a closer

You enter %en, stamping your
feet to warm them and shaking
the frozen cold from your
shoulders. Many items of interest
hang on the walls and are
displayed in the display case in
front of you...&

A warm fire in %en thaws
your frozen body. You notice several
supplies in the display case and along
the walls that just might be useful...&

You let a spray of cold and
wind into %en as you enter.
Still, with the exception of the puddle by the door, the
chamber is neat and tidy. The walls and
display cases are fully stocked
with all varieties of weaponry and supplies...&

You enter %en. Outside the
sun is hidden behind a thick
gray layer of clouds, dropping the temperature and making your
body steam in the warmth of the shopkeeper's hearth. Many items of
interest hang on the walls and
in the display
case in front of you...&

You are quickly given a cup
of hot cider as you enter %en,
which you accept gratefully, happy
to be inside on such a gloomy
winter's day. You look over the weaponry and other
merchandise proudly displayed in a case and all along the walls.&

The dog days of winter are
certainly here. You enter %en,
hoping for a deal or two on a
couple essential pieces of
equipment. Several things
immediately attract your attention
as you look over the display
case and the assortments along
the walls...&

  • 0004j - Printemps ensoleillé - original
You enter %en and bring with
you a cool spring breeze that
ruffles many of the items of
interest hanging on the walls.
There are more items displayed in
the display case in front of

It is a beautiful spring day
outside, and the mood of the
clerks in %en is bright. Perhaps
you can get a good deal off
them on a couple of items that
impress you...&

An open window in %en brings
in the smell of spring flowers
as you look over your money to
see what you can afford. There are several displayed items
that might prove useful...&

Vous entrez au %en,
content d'echapper a l'averse de printemps.
Beaucoup d'articles interessants pendent aux murs
et dans la vitrine
qui vous fait face...&

On dirait qu'un nouvel arrivage
de marchandises est arrive au %en
au moment ou la pluie
reprenait dehors.
Vous remarquez quelques articles interessants...&

Vous essuyez l'eau
de vos vetements en entrant au %en.
La plupart des articles a l'interieur
sont plutot destines
aux habitants qu'a vous,
mais vous voyez de l'equipment utile...&

520 caractères dont 2 inutilisés

You enter %en, hoping that
the sun will show itself again.
There are many items of interest hanging
on the walls and displayed in the
display case in front
of you...&

There is a window open in
%en: the clerks are apparently
hoping for some fresh scents of
spring cacti to brighten a gray day.
Several weapons and supplies on
display might be helpful to you...&

It is a cold and overcast
day, and you doubt that the clerks
in %en are in the mood to barter.
You check your money supply as
you browse through the store's

Game images and texts are Copyright Bethesda Softworks

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Page mise à jour le 18 mars 2007 à 15h22